
Netball simply wouldn’t happen without the time, talent and expertise of an estimated 26,000 incredible volunteers at every level of the game.

Netball wouldn’t happen without the time, commitment, knowledge and expertise of all the dedicated volunteers that East Midlands Netball has in abundance, part of the national 26,000 strong volunteer network ! 


The Volunteering & Club Development TSG (Technical Support Group) exists to support and guide our valued volunteers and clubs in the County 


The TSG consists of volunteers with diverse skills and interests from rewarding volunteers at the annual One Awards, to supporting  members who are concerned with inclusion, diversity and environmental concerns 


A mixture of older and younger volunteers with the added input of the East Midlands Regional officer gives the Volunteer and Club Development TSG a reflection of netball in the region. 

A woman wearing a pink volunteer shirt is standing in front of a crowd.

East Midlands One Awards

  • Our Annual Awards recognise the amazing contribution our volunteers play to delivering netball across the Region
  • They take place every June, with winners put forward for the National competition
Find out more here

Volunteering and Club Development Technical Support Group (TSG)

Two women are standing next to each other on a soccer field and smiling.

Our remit is to support and recognise volunteers mainly by organising the annual One Awards and Regional Awards Event. Alongside this the TSG aims to support club development by signposting clubs to initiatives and opportunities for them to develop and progress. The TSG’s focus currently is sustainability and is investigating ways in which clubs and players can be more environmentally friendly by adopting measures to reduce their carbon footprint.

The Volunteer and Club Development TSG consists of the TSG Lead, one representative from each County, appointed members with specific disciplines – currently: neuro diversity, inclusion, sustainability and marketing. The Regional Officer is also a member of the TSG.


At present there are no County representatives from Derbyshire, Lincolnshire and Northamptonshire.


The group meets 4 times a year, and on occasion, extra meetings are arranged to encompass any projects/initiatives needing attention.

The TSG wish to appoint a Youth Member aged 14 to 25 to contribute a perspective for our younger participants. Anyone interested please get in touch.


The TSG is a vibrant group with members ranging from their late twenties to over 80 years; a blend of youth and experience. We all learn from each other reflecting what volunteers contribute to Netball.

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